Formed in 1968, Rush refused to adhere to whatever hit-making formula happened to be in vogue at any particular moment. Instead, Rush blazed their own path forward—a creative journey that resulted in epic masterpieces and a well-earned reputation as musician’s musicians. This is the story of Rush, the most powerful trio in rock history.
The OUTSIDERS • Rush refused to adhere to whatever hit-making formula happened to be in vogue at any particular moment
The GREAT Wild NORTH • Rush always called Canada home—but the band’s big break happened in the United States
The EARLY Years • The roots of Rush began with a friendship
Alex LIFESON • The man and his guitars
Breaking THROUGH • A series of fortunate events gave Rush the chance they needed
Geddy LEE • One of rock’s most influential bass players started as a guitarist
Peak RUSH • Starting in the mid-1970s, the band came into its own
Neil PEART • The last member to join Rush was also the group’s virtuoso
Rush’s Lasting INFLUENCE • The music lives forever
The LIST • The Rush Discography